
Home » Category » New Testament » John » Page » 2 |  May 6, 2018

In this series, we go deep: fifty-five lessons in all. The Apostle John, one of Jesus’ closest friends, wrote his Gospel near the end of his life and after the other Gospels had been written. He wrote not as a correction to the earlier Gospels, but to include material and details of Jesus’ life that had received less attention or had not been included at all. The breadth and depth of John’s Gospel are astounding. We hope you will find much here to fill in your own understanding of God, his Christ, the Holy Spirit, and much, much more. These lessons are also extremely practical, touching on some of the most important aspects of our Christian faith and daily walk. Notes are provided in each lesson for self-study, reflection, and as a resource to teach others.

Jesus, our Judge; and the Resurrection of the Dead (John 5:18-30)

In John 5 Jesus’ enemies accused him of "working" on the Sabbath in healing a paralyzed man. In His response, Jesus "doubles down" and puts himself on the same level as God. Jesus also tells his opponents that the Father has committed to Him, the Son, the role of judging all people. In this lesson,

Jesus, our Judge; and the Resurrection of the Dead (John 5:18-30) View Lesson

Jesus, our Judge; and the Resurrection of the Dead (John 5:18-30) View Lesson

More on the Bodily Resurrection of the Dead (John 5:28-30, Part B)

Jesus spoke in John 5 about the physical resurrection of the dead (bodies coming out of the graves). This was an extremely divisive subject among the Jews. Jesus and Paul maintained that it was plainly taught in the Old Testament; but where? Here we answer that question and continue a deep discussion on the resurrection

More on the Bodily Resurrection of the Dead (John 5:28-30, Part B) View Lesson

More on the Bodily Resurrection of the Dead (John 5:28-30, Part B) View Lesson

Feeding Thousands, Walking on Water and Working (John 6:1-29)

In the first part of John 6, Jesus feeds 5,000 men (plus women and children) and then walks on the water, calling Peter to do the same. The first miracle caused those who witnessed it to proclaim that Jesus was the Prophet foretold in Deuteronomy 18; the second caused Jesus' apostles to proclaim Jesus as

Feeding Thousands, Walking on Water and Working (John 6:1-29) View Lesson

Feeding Thousands, Walking on Water and Working (John 6:1-29) View Lesson

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