New Testament

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The New Testament tells the story of Jesus, the promised Christ, and the beginning of His church. In it, we find the good news of the Kingdom of God, our King’s teaching, the revelation of God’s nature and character, and what it means to follow Christ. We hope that our study of the New Testament books helps you understand the love of God more fully and to love Him and others with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

Introduction to 2 Peter and Growing Spiritually (2 Peter 1:1-15)

As we begin our study of 2 Peter, we address the question of the authenticity of this letter, one of the last to be accepted into the canon of the New Testament. Was the apostle Peter truly its author? How should we view this letter? We then turn to Peter's opening charge: that we continue

Introduction to 2 Peter and Growing Spiritually (2 Peter 1:1-15) View Lesson

Introduction to 2 Peter and Growing Spiritually (2 Peter 1:1-15) View Lesson

Romans in One Lesson

The reactions from two Christians who heard this message first-hand: “This lesson demolished hundreds of years of false teaching coming out of the Protestant Reformation, and better equipped me to defend the 'kingdom-Christian message' against a wide range of opponents.  I did not expect that!"” "For the first time in over forty years as a

Romans in One Lesson View Lesson

Romans in One Lesson View Lesson

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