New Testament

Home » Category » New Testament » Page » 9 |  December 8, 2019

The New Testament tells the story of Jesus, the promised Christ, and the beginning of His church. In it, we find the good news of the Kingdom of God, our King’s teaching, the revelation of God’s nature and character, and what it means to follow Christ. We hope that our study of the New Testament books helps you understand the love of God more fully and to love Him and others with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

To Destroy the Works of the Devil (1 John 2:28-3:7)

In this passage John challenges us to "abide in Him" in order that we be prepared for the Day of Judgment. Persevering all the way to the end can seem overwhelming, and so we consider the practical approach of Dr. William Osler, a Christian physician who advocated living life in separate "day-tight" compartments. We also

To Destroy the Works of the Devil (1 John 2:28-3:7) View Lesson

To Destroy the Works of the Devil (1 John 2:28-3:7) View Lesson

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