Old Testament

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The Old Testament is the story of the Old Covenant (“testament” means “covenant”) between God and his people. At the same time, the Old Testament foretells the coming of a new covenant and a coming prophet, priest, and king. For many reasons, a solid understanding of the Old Testament is crucial for understanding the New Testament. If you have found the Old Testament confusing, irrelevant, or boring, or if you desire to take your understanding of the Old Testament to a new level, we recommend you start with the first lesson in our Genesis series, Introduction to the O.T., Pt. 1 – Why Study the Old Testament?

Psalm 5 - In the Morning You Shall Hear My Voice

David recounted his devotion to morning prayer in proclaiming: “In the morning You shall hear my voice.” Prayer warriors through the ages, including even Jesus, have been devoted to early morning prayer. However, does the hour at which we pray really matter? What is so special about rising early to pray? We consider insights from early Christian writer

Psalm 5 - In the Morning You Shall Hear My Voice View Lesson

Psalm 5 - In the Morning You Shall Hear My Voice View Lesson

Series Introduction: Why Should Christians Study Leviticus?

For many Christians, Leviticus is their least favorite book in the Bible. Commonly heard objections to studying this book include claims that it is to hard to understand, not relevant today, or even boring! If you are tempted to skip this series, we encourage you to listen to this first lesson. We seek to make the

Series Introduction: Why Should Christians Study Leviticus? View Lesson

Series Introduction: Why Should Christians Study Leviticus? View Lesson

Three More Sacrifices: Why They Still Matter to Us (Leviticus 3-7)

In this lesson, we explore the remaining three offerings described in Leviticus 1-5: the peace offering, the sin offering, and the trespass offering. Hidden in the details we find faith-building foreshadowings of Jesus. But the details  also speak about us! Peter and Paul address the Christians as a nation of priests who are called to offer our own

Three More Sacrifices: Why They Still Matter to Us (Leviticus 3-7) View Lesson

Three More Sacrifices: Why They Still Matter to Us (Leviticus 3-7) View Lesson

Laws Regarding Childbirth and Leprosy (Leviticus 12-14)

In this lesson we first tackle laws related to childbirth, which shed light on important passages in the New Testament related to the birth of Jesus. Next, we turn to laws regarding various forms of leprosy: leprosy of the skin (infectious disease), and leprosy of garments and the home (mold or mildew). We consider the

Laws Regarding Childbirth and Leprosy (Leviticus 12-14) View Lesson

Laws Regarding Childbirth and Leprosy (Leviticus 12-14) View Lesson

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