Old Testament

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The Old Testament is the story of the Old Covenant (“testament” means “covenant”) between God and his people. At the same time, the Old Testament foretells the coming of a new covenant and a coming prophet, priest, and king. For many reasons, a solid understanding of the Old Testament is crucial for understanding the New Testament. If you have found the Old Testament confusing, irrelevant, or boring, or if you desire to take your understanding of the Old Testament to a new level, we recommend you start with the first lesson in our Genesis series, Introduction to the O.T., Pt. 1 – Why Study the Old Testament?

The Unusual Blessing Given to Joseph's Sons (Genesis 46-48)

As the famine continues, Jacob moves his family to Egypt and reunites with his son Joseph. After seventeen years in Egypt, Jacob recognizes that death is approaching, and he blesses Joseph’s two sons. But this is an unusual blessing. Novatian, an early Christian writer, offered a wonderful insight for Christ’s followers today. This lesson touches

The Unusual Blessing Given to Joseph's Sons (Genesis 46-48) View Lesson

The Unusual Blessing Given to Joseph's Sons (Genesis 46-48) View Lesson

The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph (Genesis 49:28-50:26)

As we come to the end of our study of Genesis, our story concludes with the deaths of Jacob and Joseph.  This final chapter provides the opportunity for us to reflect on extremely important topics of the Christian faith, including death, forgiveness, the sovereignty of God and our role in His plan and purposes, Biblical

The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph (Genesis 49:28-50:26) View Lesson

The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph (Genesis 49:28-50:26) View Lesson

Introduction to the Series; Slaves in Egypt (Exodus 1)

We begin this new series on the Exodus journey by reviewing the reasons why this material is so important for Christians today. Jesus and the apostles drew critical lessons for Christians from these Scriptures. They include significant prophecies about the coming of Jesus, and foreshadowings of almost every element of the church and Christian life.

Introduction to the Series; Slaves in Egypt (Exodus 1) View Lesson

Introduction to the Series; Slaves in Egypt (Exodus 1) View Lesson

Birth and Early Life of Moses: the First 40 Years (Exodus 2)

This lesson covers Moses’ life as a prince in Egypt, from his birth and famous rescue from the Nile River through fleeing Egypt at age forty after murdering an Egyptian. He then helps Midianite strangers, and gains a wife. We consider two key aspects of Moses’ character that are held up in the New Testament,

Birth and Early Life of Moses: the First 40 Years (Exodus 2) View Lesson

Birth and Early Life of Moses: the First 40 Years (Exodus 2) View Lesson

Let the Plagues Begin: Blood and Frogs (Exodus 7:14-8:11)

Bible scholars, even relatively conservative ones, often struggle with the ten plagues. Were these genuine supernatural miracles, or is it possible that these could be explained by naturally occurring phenomena? Does it matter? In this lesson we wrestle with these questions and look specifically at the first two plagues: blood and frogs. Why did the

Let the Plagues Begin: Blood and Frogs (Exodus 7:14-8:11) View Lesson

Let the Plagues Begin: Blood and Frogs (Exodus 7:14-8:11) View Lesson

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