Old Testament

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The Old Testament is the story of the Old Covenant (“testament” means “covenant”) between God and his people. At the same time, the Old Testament foretells the coming of a new covenant and a coming prophet, priest, and king. For many reasons, a solid understanding of the Old Testament is crucial for understanding the New Testament. If you have found the Old Testament confusing, irrelevant, or boring, or if you desire to take your understanding of the Old Testament to a new level, we recommend you start with the first lesson in our Genesis series, Introduction to the O.T., Pt. 1 – Why Study the Old Testament?

Lessons from the Courtyard: The Bronze Altar and the Laver for Washing (Exodus 27)

The Lord told Moses to provide a bronze altar and a laver for washing in the courtyard of the tabernacle. Both illustrate important lessons for Christians today. In this lesson we review the extraordinary story from Numbers behind the covering for the altar. That story is referenced by Jude in the New Testament, to address

Lessons from the Courtyard: The Bronze Altar and the Laver for Washing (Exodus 27) View Lesson

Lessons from the Courtyard: The Bronze Altar and the Laver for Washing (Exodus 27) View Lesson

The Golden Calf and the Sin of Impatience (Exodus 32:1-14)

The Israelites become impatient at the delay of Moses returning and pressure Aaron to make "gods" to go before them. Aaron gives in; and makes the famous golden calf. Rather than look down on the Israelites for their foolishness, we consider similar temptations we face today when our patience is tested. We also consider insights

The Golden Calf and the Sin of Impatience (Exodus 32:1-14) View Lesson

The Golden Calf and the Sin of Impatience (Exodus 32:1-14) View Lesson

The Book of Life and the Foundation of Evangelism (Exodus 32:21-25)

Moses calls out "all those who are with the Lord," but only the Levites answer the call. Three thousand Israelites are slain by the sword at their hands, a consequence of idolatry with the golden calf. However, we also see another side of the heart of Moses. He pleads with the Lord to have mercy

The Book of Life and the Foundation of Evangelism (Exodus 32:21-25) View Lesson

The Book of Life and the Foundation of Evangelism (Exodus 32:21-25) View Lesson

Leaving the Bright Clothes and Ornaments Behind (Exodus 33:1-6)

As a consequence of their idolatry with the golden calf, the Israelites are told that the Lord will not accompany them on their journey to Canaan. As the people mourn upon hearing this bad news, Moses tells them to cast off their expensive clothing and ornaments. Here we bring in early Christian writer Clement of Alexandria,

Leaving the Bright Clothes and Ornaments Behind (Exodus 33:1-6) View Lesson

Leaving the Bright Clothes and Ornaments Behind (Exodus 33:1-6) View Lesson

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