
Colossians in One and a Half Lessons - Part B

In this teaching we first tackle the question of why Paul wrote this letter (to address two doctrinal challenges facing the church). In addressing those problems, Paul develops the foundational idea that since Christians have died and been buried with Christ, we must now be raised with Him. This concept has profound implications regarding baptism and how we live

Colossians in One and a Half Lessons - Part B View Lesson

Colossians in One and a Half Lessons - Part B View Lesson

Colossians in One and a Half Lessons - Part A

In this teaching we first tackle the question of why Paul wrote this letter (to address two doctrinal challenges facing the church). In addressing those problems, Paul develops the foundational idea that since Christians have died and been buried with Christ, we must now be raised with Him. This concept has profound implications regarding baptism and how we live

Colossians in One and a Half Lessons - Part A View Lesson

Colossians in One and a Half Lessons - Part A View Lesson

On the Angels

Angels are described in the New Testament as “ministering spirits” sent to help “those who will inherit salvation. Yet most Christians today know very little about the angels and their ministry. In this message we explore the history and nature of angels, how they have assisted God’s people throughout the ages and how they can

On the Angels View Lesson

On the Angels View Lesson

Unacceptable Offerings (Leviticus 22)

The offerings of the Levitical priests foreshadow our own service to God, as indicated throughout the New Testament. Therefore, God’s instruction in Leviticus regarding what was an “acceptable offering" can help unlock wonderful insights that apply to us today. This instruction points to significant aspects of baptism, confessing sin, and the Lord’s Supper. Perhaps the

Unacceptable Offerings (Leviticus 22) View Lesson

Unacceptable Offerings (Leviticus 22) View Lesson

Rules for the Priests and for Us (Leviticus 21)

As explained in the New Testament, we Christians are the new royal priesthood of God. Therefore, it should not surprise us to find that special rules for the high priest and the other priests point to aspects of Christ, and to the Christian life. Subjects addressed include things that can defile us, distinctive Christian teachings on marriage,

Rules for the Priests and for Us (Leviticus 21) View Lesson

Rules for the Priests and for Us (Leviticus 21) View Lesson

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