
The Glory of the Lord Fills the Temple (Exodus 36:8-40:32)

The tabernacle is constructed in accordance with all the detailed instructions the Lord had given Moses. Since the tabernacle was a physical model of spiritual things to come, the details were purposeful and necessary to follow even if the artisans did not understand the reason why. We examine the importance of following God’s commands even

The Glory of the Lord Fills the Temple (Exodus 36:8-40:32) View Lesson

The Glory of the Lord Fills the Temple (Exodus 36:8-40:32) View Lesson

The People Give Freely (Exodus 35:1-36:7)

Thus far it seems we have seen in the Israelite nation nothing but faithlessness and sins, including disobedience, idolatry, revelry, ingratitude and complaining. Happily, in the current passage we finally see the people doing something praiseworthy! When Moses issues a request, the people contribute freely and generously toward the construction of the tabernacle. We use

The People Give Freely (Exodus 35:1-36:7) View Lesson

The People Give Freely (Exodus 35:1-36:7) View Lesson

The Radiant Face of Moses (Exodus 34:10-35)

The Lord warns Moses that when the people enter Canaan, they must not make any covenants with the people of that land. This foreshadows the New Testament command to not be "yoked together with unbelievers." In this lesson we explore the implications of that foundational teaching regarding marriage and other close relationships. Also, when Moses

The Radiant Face of Moses (Exodus 34:10-35) View Lesson

The Radiant Face of Moses (Exodus 34:10-35) View Lesson

Teach Us to Pray

Is "the Lord's prayer" a general outline of what Christians should pray about, or does Jesus want us to say the very words of this prayer? This short lesson provides wonderful insights from Tertullian, an early Christian writer who considered the Lord's prayer to be "the highest and best prayer" for Jesus' followers to pray.

Teach Us to Pray View Lesson

Teach Us to Pray View Lesson

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