
Lessons from the Courtyard: The Bronze Altar and the Laver for Washing (Exodus 27)

The Lord told Moses to provide a bronze altar and a laver for washing in the courtyard of the tabernacle. Both illustrate important lessons for Christians today. In this lesson we review the extraordinary story from Numbers behind the covering for the altar. That story is referenced by Jude in the New Testament, to address

Lessons from the Courtyard: The Bronze Altar and the Laver for Washing (Exodus 27) View Lesson

Lessons from the Courtyard: The Bronze Altar and the Laver for Washing (Exodus 27) View Lesson

First 40 Days on Mount Sinai (with Moses Fasting) (Exodus 24:9-18)

Moses and Israel's chosen men ascend Mount Sinai, where Moses will receive the stone tablets. The Lord calls Moses and Joshua to proceed further up, where they enter the midst of a great cloud. Moses remains on the mountain forty days, fasting throughout. We begin by considering the mysterious nature of God (the Father), whom

First 40 Days on Mount Sinai (with Moses Fasting) (Exodus 24:9-18) View Lesson

First 40 Days on Mount Sinai (with Moses Fasting) (Exodus 24:9-18) View Lesson

Three Feasts that Matter (Exodus 23:10-19)

In the Law of Moses, all men are required each year to "appear before the Lord" during three annual Feasts: Unleavened Bread (or Passover), Harvest (or Pentecost), and Ingathering (or Tabernacles). All three play a significant role in the New Testament ministry of Jesus and the apostles.  Remarkably, these feasts, which God commands the Israelites

Three Feasts that Matter (Exodus 23:10-19) View Lesson

Three Feasts that Matter (Exodus 23:10-19) View Lesson

Introduction to the Law of Moses (Exodus 20:18-21:27)

After the Lord gives the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, we come to a part of the Bible that many find confusing, boring, irrelevant, or even disturbing: the details of the Mosaic Law. Since God’s people no longer need to follow these commands, why should we bother reading this part of Scripture? We begin by answering that

Introduction to the Law of Moses (Exodus 20:18-21:27) View Lesson

Introduction to the Law of Moses (Exodus 20:18-21:27) View Lesson

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