
More on the Divinity of Christ; 3 Questions for John the Baptist (John 1:19-28, Pt. A)

As we continue in the first chapter of John, we continue our deep dive into the identity of Christ, his divinity, and his appearances in the Old Testament. We are also introduced to John the Baptist, an important character in the beginning of all four Gospels. John was asked three questions: are you the Christ,

More on the Divinity of Christ; 3 Questions for John the Baptist (John 1:19-28, Pt. A) View Lesson

More on the Divinity of Christ; 3 Questions for John the Baptist (John 1:19-28, Pt. A) View Lesson

On Christmas and the Birth of Christ (Matthew 1 & 2)

What should Christians do with Christmas? Some desire to embrace the season, some focus on Jesus, some ignore the season completely.  How do we maintain unity in the church with different opinions regarding Christmas? This lesson tackles these questions and provides insights for us related to the events surrounding the birth of Christ, including the significance

On Christmas and the Birth of Christ (Matthew 1 & 2) View Lesson

On Christmas and the Birth of Christ (Matthew 1 & 2) View Lesson

The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph (Genesis 49:28-50:26)

As we come to the end of our study of Genesis, our story concludes with the deaths of Jacob and Joseph.  This final chapter provides the opportunity for us to reflect on extremely important topics of the Christian faith, including death, forgiveness, the sovereignty of God and our role in His plan and purposes, Biblical

The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph (Genesis 49:28-50:26) View Lesson

The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph (Genesis 49:28-50:26) View Lesson

The Unusual Blessing Given to Joseph's Sons (Genesis 46-48)

As the famine continues, Jacob moves his family to Egypt and reunites with his son Joseph. After seventeen years in Egypt, Jacob recognizes that death is approaching, and he blesses Joseph’s two sons. But this is an unusual blessing. Novatian, an early Christian writer, offered a wonderful insight for Christ’s followers today. This lesson touches

The Unusual Blessing Given to Joseph's Sons (Genesis 46-48) View Lesson

The Unusual Blessing Given to Joseph's Sons (Genesis 46-48) View Lesson

Joseph - from Prisoner to Ruler in Egypt (Genesis 40-45)

After being sold into slavery in Egypt by his jealous brothers, Joseph is falsely accused of a crime and spends two years in prison. Then, a remarkable turnaround! Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream and is raised up to be second in command over all of Egypt. From that position God uses him to save many lives

Joseph - from Prisoner to Ruler in Egypt (Genesis 40-45) View Lesson

Joseph - from Prisoner to Ruler in Egypt (Genesis 40-45) View Lesson

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