
Elisha, Pt. 6: Naaman, Gehazi, and the Floating Ax Head (2 Kings 5:17-6:7)

We pick up where we left off with the story of Naaman's healing, which some Christians through the centuries have viewed as a foreshadowing of baptism.  We discuss one aspect of baptism, the power over death and the hope of eternal life.  We then look at the story of Gehazi, who falls into the sins

Elisha, Pt. 6: Naaman, Gehazi, and the Floating Ax Head (2 Kings 5:17-6:7) View Lesson

Elisha, Pt. 6: Naaman, Gehazi, and the Floating Ax Head (2 Kings 5:17-6:7) View Lesson

Elisha, Pt. 5: More Miracles and the Story of Naaman, Part 1 (2 Kings 4:38-5:16)

As the story of Elisha continues, we see the prophet work two miracles of provision for a group in need. We are then introduced to Naaman, a famous commander of the Syrian army, who also happens to be a leper. There are many gems to mine from these stories as we see God's power and

Elisha, Pt. 5: More Miracles and the Story of Naaman, Part 1 (2 Kings 4:38-5:16) View Lesson

Elisha, Pt. 5: More Miracles and the Story of Naaman, Part 1 (2 Kings 4:38-5:16) View Lesson

Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing (Gen. 25:27-27:46)

These chapters of Genesis show us Isaac, who gives way to fear, Rebekah, who is filled with deception, and Jacob and Esau, whose struggle with each other provide lessons for Christians regarding our own inheritance. What a blessing to learn from their mistakes and examples!  Teaching Notes Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing (Gen. 25:27-27:46) - Lesson Outline

Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing (Gen. 25:27-27:46) View Lesson

Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing (Gen. 25:27-27:46) View Lesson

Biblical Unity

Why is Biblical unity so difficult?  Why do so many churches end up splitting apart, even churches comprised of Christians serious about following Jesus' teachings? This sad pattern is in stark contrast to early Christianity, where the church remained one for the first 200 years.  Drawing on Scripture, examples from the early church, and his

Biblical Unity View Lesson

Biblical Unity View Lesson

Those Who Are With Us Are More Than Those Who Are With Them (2 Kings 6:16)

This opening devotional for our retreat was a call to open our eyes to the spiritual battle we are in, and to recognize that God's supernatural power is far greater than the power and authorities that oppose God.  May we have the faith of Elisha and the righteousness described in Scripture, to see God's Kingdom

Those Who Are With Us Are More Than Those Who Are With Them (2 Kings 6:16) View Lesson

Those Who Are With Us Are More Than Those Who Are With Them (2 Kings 6:16) View Lesson

Isaac Marries Rebekah and the Birth of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 23:1-25:26)

In this passage of Scripture there is much to learn!  We see God's hand and Spirit at work in the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. We come to the end of Abraham's life and take the time to recognize the legacy of faith and righteousness Abraham left for God's people for all time. We are

Isaac Marries Rebekah and the Birth of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 23:1-25:26) View Lesson

Isaac Marries Rebekah and the Birth of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 23:1-25:26) View Lesson

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