
Noah & the Flood, Part 4: The End of Noah (Gen. 9:18-29)

After the flood, we read about righteous, faithful Noah getting drunk. In this lesson we look at what Jesus and the New Testament writers teach about Christians use of alcohol, including drunkenness. As Noah's life comes to an end, we also step back and look at how the story of Noah and the flood foreshadow our own means

Noah & the Flood, Part 4: The End of Noah (Gen. 9:18-29) View Lesson

Noah & the Flood, Part 4: The End of Noah (Gen. 9:18-29) View Lesson

Noah & the Flood, Part 1: The Back Story (Genesis 5:28-6:9)

In Genesis 5 we are introduced to Noah, "a righteous man, who was perfect in his generation and well-pleasing to God," yet lived during a time of great wickedness. We look at whether the story of the flood is merely a fable, or instead the greatest disaster in human history. We tackle ways the early

Noah & the Flood, Part 1: The Back Story (Genesis 5:28-6:9) View Lesson

Noah & the Flood, Part 1: The Back Story (Genesis 5:28-6:9) View Lesson

The Fall of Man, Cain & Abel (Genesis 3:6-4:16)

These passages of Scripture lay the foundation for the entire Biblical story describing the relationship of God and mankind. Here we learn of the Fall, the sin of Adam, Eve, and Satan, and the consequences of such sin. These passages include Scripture often quoted in the New Testament describing the relationship of man and woman,

The Fall of Man, Cain & Abel (Genesis 3:6-4:16) View Lesson

The Fall of Man, Cain & Abel (Genesis 3:6-4:16) View Lesson

Man, Woman, Marriage and Satan (Genesis 2-3:5)

Genesis chapters two and three are filled with such important foundational teachings for the entire Bible, including Jesus' teachings. This lesson covers chapter two and the first section of chapter three and addresses the following topics: What does it mean that man was created in the image of God? False teaching and understanding around the

Man, Woman, Marriage and Satan (Genesis 2-3:5) View Lesson

Man, Woman, Marriage and Satan (Genesis 2-3:5) View Lesson

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