nature of God

The Ten Commandments - Part 1 of 2 (Deuteronomy 5:1-15)

Moses now recounts the story of the Lord initially giving the Ten Commandments. We consider the spiritual wreckage caused by the violation of the second commandment, not to make images of God. We also consider whether Christians should keep the Sabbath, or is there something else the Sabbath points to for those who follow Jesus?   Teaching Notes Deuteronomy

The Ten Commandments - Part 1 of 2 (Deuteronomy 5:1-15) View Lesson

The Ten Commandments - Part 1 of 2 (Deuteronomy 5:1-15) View Lesson

Do Not Add or Subtract (Deuteronomy 4)

Moses tells God's people to neither add to nor subtract from God's commands. Nothing could be simpler, right? Actually, this was a problem for Israel and continues to be a problem for God's people today. Many Christians set aside (subtract) difficult or unpopular Biblical commands. However, other well-meaning Christians add requirements (extrabiblical rules) to what

Do Not Add or Subtract (Deuteronomy 4) View Lesson

Do Not Add or Subtract (Deuteronomy 4) View Lesson

The Golden Calf and the Sin of Impatience (Exodus 32:1-14)

The Israelites become impatient at the delay of Moses returning and pressure Aaron to make "gods" to go before them. Aaron gives in; and makes the famous golden calf. Rather than look down on the Israelites for their foolishness, we consider similar temptations we face today when our patience is tested. We also consider insights

The Golden Calf and the Sin of Impatience (Exodus 32:1-14) View Lesson

The Golden Calf and the Sin of Impatience (Exodus 32:1-14) View Lesson

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